1. Splendid Isolation (Film, 2022) - MovieMeter.nl
Splendid Isolation (2022). Drama / Sciencefiction | 80 minuten. + Mijn ... Releasedatum: 7 juli 2022. On Demand: Pathé Thuis Bekijk via Pathé Thuis ...
Drama / Sciencefiction film.
2. Splendid Isolation (2022) - Hollandse Film
5 jul 2022 · Filmtitel: Splendid Isolation Jaartal: 2021. Releasedatum: 07-07-2022. Genre: drama. Lengte: 80 min. Land: Nederland. Gesproken taal: Engels.
Er is weinig bekend over de ramp die Anna en Hannah zijn ontvlucht en de moeite die zij hebben moeten doen om het afgelegen eiland te bereiken. Wanneer ze drinkbaar water en een verlaten huis vinden in de duinen, valt Anna terug in haar rol als de verzorger van Hannah.…
3. Splendid Isolation | Eye Filmmuseum
Splendid Isolation had its global online premiere at IFFR 2022. Cinema projection does justice to the impressive, precise camerawork. Pre-show. Before the ...
Anna and Hannah find refuge on an uninhabited island after a disaster. Hannah is vulnerable and time is running out for the two lovers, death is in the air. The film makes conspicuous use of astounding drone footage of the island.See AlsoDepartments - Harris Teeter LLC15 Best Facial Hair Removal Products for Quick and Effective Results, According to DermatologistsVoices of Daughters and Slaves: Claire de DurasHourglass Vanish Airbrush Concealer | Beautytijd
4. Splendid Isolation (2022) directed by Urszula Antoniak - Letterboxd
Releases by Date. Sort by. Date. Date; Country. Premiere. 26 Jan 2022. Flag for the Netherlands Netherlands18 International Film Festival Rotterdam. 26 Nov 2022.
Lovers living together on a remote island but who are forced to remain physically apart after one of them contracts a virus. Their isolation is disrupted by the arrival of a third person who has immunity and as a result can come into direct contact with both of them.
5. Splendid Isolation (2022) recensie, Urszula Antoniak - Cinemagazine
7 jul 2022 · Bioscooprelease: 7 juli 2022. Tags: filmrecensent | Roy van Landschoot, Nederlands Film Festival 2022, regisseur | Urszula Antoniak. ZOEKEN. Op ...
Recensie Splendid Isolation (2022), een film van Urszula Antoniak met Anneke Sluiters, Abke Haring, Khadija El Kharraz Alami
6. Splendid Isolation - Nederlands Film Festival
Bevat niet: released | Resultaten tonen met:releasedSee AlsoParks And Rec Fantasy Football Names
The Netherlands Film Festival is the home of Dutch cinema, series and digital culture. For film fans and makers.
7. Splendid Isolation | Eye Filmmuseum
Nieuwe release | Na lang wachten in de bioscoop: Robert Eggers' beloofde remake van F.W. Murnau's befaamde vampierhorror, met Bill Skarsgård (The Lighthouse) ...
Anna en Hannah vinden na een ramp onderkomen op een onbewoond eiland. Hannah is kwetsbaar, de tijd die de twee geliefden rest is beperkt, de dreiging van de dood is voelbaar. Opvallend is de inzet van de dronecamera, die duizelingwekkende beelden van het eiland maakt.
8. Splendid Isolation - Rotten Tomatoes
27 jan 2022 · Two lovers have fled a deadly pandemic to find splendid isolation on a deserted island. Death follows them.
Two lovers have fled a deadly pandemic to find splendid isolation on a deserted island. Death follows them.
9. 'Splendid Isolation': Rotterdam Review - Screen Daily
'Splendid Isolation': Rotterdam Review. By Nikki Baughan26 January 2022 ... Making its debut in Rotterdam's Big Screen competition, Splendid Isolation ...
Inspired by the Covid-19 pandemic, Urszula Antoniak explores the power of human connection
8 jul 2022 · Here to discuss her latest film Splendid Isolation (2022) and the poetry of cinema, Urszula Antoniak candidly shares why this is a film to ...
Here to discuss her latest film Splendid Isolation (2022) and the poetry of cinema, Urszula Antoniak candidly shares why this is a film to be experienced. A 73-minute allegory that invites us all to reflect on our collective confrontation with death in recent years. Find out why Urszula sees this as an uplifting story of our own mortality
11. Splendid Isolation - Media Luna
Splendid Isolation. by Urszula Antoniak. Synopsis | Cast & Crew | Technical Information. Little is known about the catastrophe ...
Little is known about the catastrophe Anna and Hannah have escaped. On a desolate island they find an abandoned house where Anna takes care of Hannah. Hannah’s fragile condition reminds the two lovers that their time together is coming to an end. From Urszula Antoniak whose films have premiered in Cannes and Locarno, comes a tense new mystery drama - an equally horrifying and tender exercise in exploring the very limits of humanity.