The Ponca City News from Ponca City, Oklahoma (2025)

December 20, 1940

Publication:The Ponca City Newsi

Location:Ponca City, Oklahoma

Issue Date:Friday, December 20, 1940


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4 4 air to Its Readers air to Its Advertisers'' THE PONCA CITY NEWS RIDAY DECEMBER 20J940 PAGE TEN ischer Titleholder of A Nine Matches Are Starts Bowling Series in News Scheduled Between Wildcat Grapplers finesse 673 716 NEXT: Selecting the ball 1968 I 1 10 a 6 with boys 620 a good started over over over over Paul day against was a general booth for a circle of 7 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 Junior High Lads To Raise Curtain At 7:30 o'Clock 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 "1 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 581 3rd 108 114 115 144 147 628 5 0 Robbins' Makes Good On ree Throw to Hang Up Victory ODESSA Texas Dec None other than that master of clout Professor Jack Dempsey looks on Babe Hunt the Texas heavyweight as a better boxer than Joe Louis Dempsey who was here Thursday night to referee 10 round scrap with Babe Ritchie in which Hunt retained his crown lauded both fighters He added that Ritchie might have a chance at title later on if not carried too fast Hunt 185 the Oklahoma veteran decisioned Ritchie 210 by slashing the Lubbock yotagster with his left jabs in the early rounds and keep ing him at a safe distance the rest of the way 'Dempsey gave Ritchie only one the fourth 3rd 133 108 109 189 173 5 717 rd 114 137 139 163 163 By REDDIE ISCHER World All Events Champion Anyone can learn to bowl although it usually takes years of ex perience to develop a bowler of championship caliber I started at the age of 12 when I was setting up pins in an alley near my home and started match bowling when I was 14 Anyone starting that young however should consult an instructor or alley proprietor for it is easy for a young kegler to pick up bad bowling habits which he will have trouble correcting A few instructions from a competent tutor may mean years in a bowler's development Many young men develop into fine bowlers but I believe that most men reach their peak form at about 30 or thereafter and then begin to lose some of their control Bowling is a sport which can be enjoyed throughout life Phil Wolfe won the American Bowling congress all events championship at the age of 60 and I won it at 51 although most titlists have been somewhat younger One of the most important things 21 bowling is mental attitude Per haps more than in any other sport tension is fatal You on the Remember that bowling is primarily a form of amusement not a matter of life and death With that attitude you'll not only get morepleasure out of probably roll better scores as well Person column: Mr Spearman of route 2 Dallas who bet us a ten gallon hat the Texas Aggies would win all their? games this year can crate it and ship it to 35 33 Eighty third street Jackson Heights wear it down Broadway New Years evVV1' Jj reddie ischer demonstrates the form that swept him to ABC all events championship 2nd 151 141 119 174 165 5 755 2nd 102 122 146 165 138 Racing Season Opens MIAMI la Dec lor ida springs the starting gate on its' 96 day horse racing seasonTriday with everyone from holster to club president predicting new attendance and betting heights Dempsey Praises Hunt as a Better Boxes Than Louis 0 2 0 0 0 8 1 39 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 Tot 415 371 404 497 475 10 2172 Tot 344 397 421 484 301 140 1 2091 BuchhelmerHerrin Christie By DON SANDERS WE4 Service Staff Correspondent) reddie ischer has been bowling for 39 years but it was only seven years ago that he picked up the finesse which last spring brought him the most coveted achievement the American Bowling congress all events championship And he picked up that in the kitchen Not that ischer enough bowler before He at 12 and haS been among the best in Buffalo since he was 14 Al though he has no records on the thousands of games he has rolled his lifetime average is 200 and you get an average like that without being at least pretty good But for 32 years he rolled a straight ball relied on uncanny control Practiced in Kitchen Then seven years ago Andy Varipapa the trick artist visited ischer for several days taught him to roll a hook ball They spent long hours practicing in the kitchen in home rolling the ball back and forth un til ischer got onto the technique of pulling out his thumb at just the right moment and imparting spin with his fingers Applying that technique on the alleys was easy after that game improved stead fly It improved so much that at 51 when most bowlers are way past their prime he won the A all events title in Detroit He became one of the oldest men in A history to take the championship although Phil Wolfe now dead won in 1928 at 60 Mark Surpassed Six Times To win this super honor ischer rolled a total score of 2001 pins a mark which has been surpassed only six times in the history The highest score is 2070 held by Max Stein of Belleville Ind scores were 688 in the five man team event 667 in the in dividual event an average of more than 222 pins for each of nine games His main trouble was with the No 10 pin He shot at It 19 times in the nine games When he got a telegram telling him he had won the all events ischer figured he was just about the happiest man in the country entire life revolves around bowling He is proprietor of one of finest bowling layouts and has his whole family interested He and his son red jr have a standing offer to bowl any father and son in the country a chal lenge that has stood for five years without takers There are two daughters Gladys who rolls about 165 and Betty who is just starting ischer has taken part in 25 A tournaments and in that time the best bowlers all over the coun try have learned to know him Aspires to Repeat in 41 In Buffalo they all know red die good and bad bowlers alike Most of them call him Kuem mel Week ischer a name he picked up from working in his father's bakery as a boy Kuemmel Week is the German term for a kind of caraway seed topped bun In addition to his stint in the bakery Kuemmel Week worked setting up pins in a bowling al ley just three doors from his home and how it all started After 30 years still active although he bowl as many games as he did 10 or 20 years ago He says his control quite what it once was but the hook still gets He tends bar at his bowling es tablishment still finds time to bowl with a team entered in three leagues with an average of 197 for 99 games so far this season ischer is going to the A tournament in St Paul determined to repeat or at least to take one of the event titles a feat never ac complished in A history in successive years He may not beat out all of the 30000 bowlers who will roll but will at least be up among the con tenders and 11 be can get that pin to fall watch out' a quick 'comparison be tween and Zivic as both have fought Henry Armstrong in the past year Henry then welter weight champion gave Jenkins a cruel beating in their outdoor meet ing and forced Lew to quit between the sixth and seventh rounds Zivic only a few months later beat Arm strong in a furious battle at the Garden to the 147 pound title If anything was learned about Jenkins in his bout Armstrong ittwas that he was too light and too fragile to fool 'with welterweights The odds at last account were 5 to 8 on Zivic Neither title Is at stake rso what ever happens Zivic still will be the welter champion when he fights Armstrong again: on January: 17 Bundles for Britain: The Louis McCoy affair convinc ed the Messrs Burman Simon 1 Godoy et al their only chance for the heavyweight title is to have the government declare the brown bomber obseleie and turn 'him over to England St Louis lyers Play Ice Oilers Saturday The highlight ice hotkey game of the season to date will be seen in Tulsa Coliseum starting at 9 Saturday night when the Tulsa Oilers dash with the league leading St Louis lyers Time for the: contest was set up to 9 to permit Christmas shoppers to attend the game after stores have closed The Oilers have shown rapid improvement in their game during the past two weeks with the addition of several exper ienced players" They have won three of their last five contests Harmon Was Busy Lad Statistics Disclose SEATTLE Dec 20 (J) Tom Harmon all American halfback ranked first second or third in seven of the nine statistical tables compiled on middlewestern football teams by the American football statistical bureau for its forthcoming annual yearbook The departing left his cleat marks high in the lists which include gridiron deeds of more than 100 gridders from 13 mid west schools Here's what he did: Led in total offense scoring and punt returns was second in rush ing and reutming kickoffs third in punting and forward passings and ninth in returning pass intercep tions Only division in which Har mon didn't figure prominently was catching he apparently was too busy throwing Mid West Pin Quintet Shades Art and Ed Mid West creamery grabbed aquick lead and then rallied on the final game for a 2 to victory over Art and Edd service station Thurs day Right in an Industrial league match at the City Alleys Willam son and Rice both Mid West keg lers tied lornowung Honors 526 scores' curling the molasses across the golden corn bread in artful fashion preparing for the when a coach spied him The molasses and the delicacy Jawn had pre pared were removed from the training table mistake or something like that Mr Jarrin' John day was half ruined And about that New York dinner party 7 Merman sat right there at the table with us It was And with a sweeping gesture of his index finger and a wide grin: like to just reach out and see if she made of su Meanwhile the Aggies toiled ion: in two a day workouts readying a defense for ordham Coach Homer Norton still wobbly from an In fluenza attack but back with the team after a five day a worked them long ONLY five brief days ago Mr John Kimbrough sat rather uncomfortably in tuxedo at the Waldorf Astoria out" an eight course inner and auto graphed menus Today he slid his booted feet un der a table with 45 other overalled teammates and let out a whoop when he spied the corn bread bread and mo The man on cabaret row" was 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 1 0 1 1st 154 125 95 165 140 679 111 1st 151 75 106 18514 642 Twenty eight wrestlers including a crew of 10 from the junior high school will make their first public appearance of the 1940 41 season to night at the high wrestling carnival in the fieldhouse The five junior high matches will be run off at 7:30 finishing in time for the nine high school scraps to get under way at 8 In the high school division Coach Melvin Clodfelter announced there would be no contest in the 165 pound bracket since both Jess Smethers and Harold isher have been shelved temporarily by in fluenza 1 The junior high school crew is being mandled by Loren Smith of the while a Brother Virgil will do the point calling High school matches: Ernest McCoy vs Carl Rollins Lester Eberhardt vs Ken nis Belmard rank Dunn vs Donald Maag 127 Junior Hogan vs Jimmy Jameson Joe Bonds vs Warne Carter 138 rDon Myers vs Herman Cron Wallace Officer vs Tom Adkins Cleve Webster vs Burl Boring Kirby Rider vs Burl Ussery Junior high matches: 70 Kenneth Myers vs Say lor Virgil Penrod vs Billy Skaggs Jimmy West vs Bob Shel ton Bob Wooley vs Larry Mar land Dean Simmons vs George Norris TULSA Dec The poten effect of the naitonal defense program on organized sports a emphasized riday with suspension of the Missouri Valley A A bas ketball league A Announcement of the strorig'ama teur decision to abandon operations for the 1940 41 season due to the rearmament ef forts was made by Presdient Wil liam Miller 7 Some companies supporting teams in the league areengageddn indus try essential to defense Miller said' which meant that men could not be spared from their work to'play bas ketball In addition he pointed out that team managers were 1 a 1 to make 'definite plans for the season in view of the possibility of ath letes being taken in the draft Active members of the 15 y'ear old A A A last season were Phillips of Bartlesville Okla' Denver American St Louis? Rangers and Oklahoma City Phillips won the national A A championship last year and the Den ver club previuosly won the title while playing as the Denver Nug gets Miller insisted" however 'that the league was not being abandoned permanently' He said he was pro ceeding with the plans for the 1941 42 season "By he explained "the conscription numbers of the play ers will be Known: and the rate of 1 induction into service can be rea sonably The Bartlesville Denver and St Louis dubs will carry on during the coming season with independ ent schedules Miller said in spite of the league suspension pOLLEGE STATION Texas Dec The folks back in New York should have had a peep at Mr John Kimbrough ri day most feted visiting celebrity last weekend was back in boots faded blue denim cowboy and slouch hat in this tiny hamlet on the banks of the Brazos river riday But they take that week end in New York away from the massive farm boy twice all America fullback of the great Texas Aggies Pit of the muddied practice field where his Aggies are training for the Cotton bowl clash at Dallas on New Years Rams information teammates going back up just as soon as I can get some time he bubbled lead you around in a whirl all the time Boy I really like the doggoned life around that town big place with lots he murmured orty five minutes of a i through the second string line out of the way the big fellow from Haskell Texas (pop 2632 principal resources cotton grain and cattle! shouldered on down to the mess hall for lunch 2nd 157 157 137 131 157 739 2nd 115 142 126 77 169 7 636 2nd 150 113 173 126 116 7 685 2nd 130 129 118 114 181 672 2nd 154 88 102 158 96 598 134 2nd 136 106 110 158 14 658 Guest stars: i ranklin Adams Post'iye hope Tom Harmon breaks erxtuer Red Grange record which 4 hA 4 Tot 393 393 423 387 424 2020 Tot 491 367 257 409 432 75 2031 Tot 351 395 388 280 423 63 1900 Tot 437 337 278 '334 566 1932 Tot 338 279 328 374 470 3 1792 Tot 340 342 293 440 442 1857 3rd 123 124 159 128 156 690 3rd 176 109 86 135 144 25 075 3rd 138 126 123 109 150 21 667 13283 115 114 181 625 3rd 125 93 135 96 131 Sumner Boys Wn 1 The Sumner high school basketball team dribbled to an easy win over the Mulhall quintet at Mulhall Tuesday night with the final score standing to 21 'Mul hall girls 'left the Sumner girls team far behind in the other con test of the evening The score was 22 to 7 In tune with the spirit of the this gay bubbly cKa6ipagne like beer that goes So well with holiday foods tThe characteristic pilseneftang and aroma' its sparklingclarity and refreshing dryness produced byfinest ingredients blended with mas 'ter skill Here at its satisfying best you will discover fine choice brew of the hard to please the world oyer 175 174 174 172 171 170 169 169 169 167 160 106 163 163 160 158 CW A Indoor Net Tourney Starts Three Day Stand in Capital OKLAHOMA CITY Dea Oklahoma's biggest tennis the annual state indoor tournament here riday with some of the brightest stars on deck but the seat reserved for the host have been emptier upside down One yawning gap in an otherwise fancy field was caused by the ab sence of the hometown idol and de fending champ National titleholder Don McNeill With McNiell exhibiting in Mexi co City at the fag end of a South American tour his place at the head of the seeded list was taken by his rival of long standing Bobby Riggs Riggs who won the National in door crown by stopping McNeill in the finals nearly a year ago and then lost to the Oklahoma City ace in the finals at orest Hills was to meet Eddie Dowien of Dallas Texas in the opening round this afternoon Seeded next to Riggs at No 2 is rank Kovacs the clever clown from Oakland Calif while Wayne Sabin of Portland Ore former National indoor champion is ranked at No 3 Other seeded players in the three day meet are Hal Surface of Kan sas City No 4: Charles Hare Eng former Davis cup star No 5 Gardner Lamed of Chicago No 6 Ed Brown of Waco Texas No 7 and Norman Brooks of Oak land Calif No 8 All first round matches were to be run off today with the second round scheduled tonight Sabin sounded a warning to the entire field by giving Riggs more than he coudl handle in a tune up match yesterday Sabin won the first set 6 4 and they called it quits in the second with the score at 7 all Rose Bowl Chance Answers Big Wish Of Shaughnessy COLUMBIA Mo Dec (In significant or just plain coincident al Marcia favorite flower is the rose the symbol of the bowl game her Stan ford football team will play New Years day an 18 year old Stephens college sophomore and the daugh ter of Clark Shaughnessy whose Celebrated formation sped Stan Indians along the touchdown trail to the Pacific coast champion ship and the Rose bowl What was the effect on the fam ily household when Stanford last placer in 1939 and chimpion in 1940won the bowl bid? Irish eyes danced wrote me that he believe his highest dreams had come true Grandmother said it was the answer to a prayer Mother wrote that dad looked 20 years younger a difference than when dad coaches at she laugh ed recalling the Maroons extended losing snapped only when the of dropped football "We just adopted a philosophical attitude when Chicago lost game after game But the hardest blow came when I arrived home for Christmas last year and dad an nonuced more team Chicago has decided to abolish Marcia specializes in drama at Stephens and was chosen the best actress in the freshman class last year She is going to Stanford next fall Then what? that I want to become a Shakespearian actress Do you think one family could put up though with both a football coach and an actress?" Whilehead Is Tops Of Women Keglers Splatters 566 Pins Though Team Drops Contest to LaMode he can' easily do by Arch Ward Chicago Tribune: Tony Lazzeri and Jake Powell un der contract and' Paul Waner re ported on the way thejroster of the San rancisco Seals begins to look like through in the James Doyle Cleveland Plain Dealer: Christmas present to M'Coy was a beautiful shade for the left lamp" pardon dept: Indignant Nebraskans wire (lt so that the Cornhuskers 'are asking $20 per copy for those Rose bowl tickets Well maybe only $15 I 2nd 129 139 153 144 153 709 2nd 133 116 72 150 144 25 640 2nd 107 142 101 84 142 21 597 2nd 204 105 89 119 195 '712 2nd 102 93 121126 195 1 638 2nd 123 114 92 147159 035 The Bert and Ben service station girls set some sort of new record for? the Classic league Thursday night when they suceed ed in holding their score down to 1792 How the girls managed to send the ball down the alley all evening without knocking gown more pins is a mystery but the score stands in black and white for all to marvel at Winners over the Bert and Ben team were the McCoy agency girls Whitehead of the grill bettered the efforts of the other 69 women playing in the league by scoring 566 in her three game ser ies Winners and their opponents in other matches were LaMode grill Humes drug Hutchings shoes Edwards Motor Glenn Paris: Phillips cafe over Moore and Southwestern Stationery and Bank supply over dry goods Box scores: PHILLIPS CAE 1st Willison 131 Reilly 122 Winchell 176 Andersen 134 Taylor 137 Handicap 700 PAUL MOORE 1st Bush 128 uthey 138 Spore 136 A 150 Soper Bridges 146 Handicap 1 705 HUTCHINGS SHOE STORE Heltzel Wentz McCloud Hope Dolezal Totals EDWARDS MOTOR Gitchell Schwarberg 136 744 3rd 154 129 137 128 148 696 167 3rd 147 97 93 150 14 668 3rd 184 89 97 121 125 616 3rd 116 153 120 144 172 7 712 rd 177 107 155 126 123 1 7 695 3rd 131 170 155 116 Wildcats to Open Conference Games At Perry Tonight Ponca City Wildcat basketeers open their conference warfare to night when they take on the Perry Maroons in the Noble county town The game will go down in the books of both the Northern and Northern Six conferences Nothing is known of the power except that Jack Bechtold as good a player as the Wild cats met last year is back' in the lineup this season The Maroqns in the past have employed a zone defense and a fast break However Coach Stewart Seaton is keeping his fingers cross ed since every team played so far this year has switched from former startegy The tentative starting lineup calls for Van Wayne Witt or Lee Drake at center Wayne Morgan Grover Wright or Bob McCartney at guard and Walter Russell and Bob Kane at forward The second team will play in the opener and Coach Delbert Carlile announced the following lineup: Jack Dyer center Paul Catron and Ray Dorris forwards Charles Star nes and either Tommy Kappele or Dale Senseman guards Kitchen Practice Gave Champion Knack of Twirling Here is the story of reddie ischer veteran Buffalo bowler who at the age of 51 won the most coveted honor the A all events championship with a smashing total of 2001 pins ischer is the author of a series of 20 illustrated and in formative articles on bowling and starting in The News today 142 41 358' 467 18U Visit to New York High Spot in Life Of 'Jarrin' John' Kimbrough Enjoys Whirl of Events 1 'Around That Town' Cities Service Is Leading Teams in City League Race The Cities Service bowling five holds a commanding lead in the high scoring City league of 30 vic tories and only 12 losses a mid season check of standings indicated riday Lloyd DeHeer of the Northcutt drug squad leads the circuit in scoring average with 189 points as his norm for 42 games Closely following him are Christie and Willison tied with an average of 187 for an e(jual number of games Pepsi Cola with 26 victories and 16 losses trails closest to the league leaders and Montgomery Ward with 23 triumphs and 19 defeats is third Team standings and individual averages: Team Standings 28 BOYS WILL COMPETE IN WRESTLING CARNIVAL HERE TONIGHT 3 0 1 ft A Court Loop Dislumds' for Year Conflict With iDefense fProgramp 'orces Suspension Presbyterians Nose Christians 12 11 Two brilliant defensive teams clashed in a church league cage match Thursday night and it took an overtime period for the winner to push his score to 12 points and an 12 to ll victory Winning team was the Presbyter ian crew and its stubborn victim was the Christian church quintet King guard for the Presbyterians cashed in a long shot just before the overtime period ended to out weight a free throw by Roy Robbins which a minute before had given Christians a one point lead A Whiteagle team juggled its line up time after time but was unable to find a combination that would stop the Evangelicals from taking a 24 to ll victory The two matches were played in the gym at Lincoln school The Church league will suspend its schedule from now until Decem ber 30 for the Christmas holidays it was announced Thursday night Box scores: PRESBYTERIAN Ellis Randel Milne Kins McCarty Totals CHRISTIAN Gorrell Straughn Robbins McLaughlin Beil Gosney Carter Totals EVANGELICAL Hogan Weir Silers Mitchell Jeans Johnson Wright Jones Totals WHITEAGLE Blueback Waters Lacy LeClalre Kimball Wamego Pershing reeman Wilbur Totals Although the Pacific ocean is by far the largest of the five great oceans the portion' of land drained into it is comparatively insignifi cant i 4 Snort Briefs By EDDIE BRIETZ NEW YORK Dec Scoop erade: Carl Snavely and declined a 10 year contract to coach the Philadelphia Eagles Jack Hagerty whose: Georgetown team got into the Orange bowl too late to scout Mississippi State is in a dither because he been able to get diagrams of a single Miss issippi formation His brother Tom Harmon will not decide on his future Until graduation when oddly enough the pro offers start pouring in (Already Tom has one bona fide movie bid) An ear operation has made Coach Bill son ineligible for West Point and he now is ticketed for Notre Dame' 1 Tot 467 343 332 369 418 1929 Tot 399 431 377 307 533 21 2068 Tot 475 291 458 378 353 21 1976 Tot 443 401 375 352 516 2087 Tot 462 312 334 451 384 1973 412 Tot 434 278 309 493 Lost 12 16 19 21 24 24' 27 Av 189 187187 185 185 185 184 183 183 183 183 183 181 181 180 179179 179 179 178 177177 176 168 171 145 164 145 1st 126 97 98 117 136 574 1st 168 I Hardin 131 Eberwelne 86 Howard 192 Handicap 7 Totals 720 1st Wassom 148 Plumb 71 Moulton 130 Wright (av) 126' Currys 114 Handicap 7 Totals 596 GLENN PARIS 1st Barnett 182 Evans 102 RIeman 102 Williams 122 Rodgers 163 Totals 671 HUMES DRUG Ramsey (av) Morgan LaVema DeHeer Altom Totals Hodson Bucker Briscoe Jonas Reynolds Handicap Totals SOUTHWESTERN STATIONERY 1st White 141 Eaton 139 Schanskl 111 McKinley 115 Strickland 115 Totals 621 VIRTUE'S 1st Lynch 182 Suit 142 Epp 99 Self 124 ronkler 144 Handicap 25 Totals 716 LAMODE 1st Cassady 106 Townsley 127 Scott 164 McClaskey 87 Hamblet 131 Handicap 21 Totals 636 GRILL 1st Bowen 101 Keppler 149 Ijeonard 74 Soper 101 Whitehead 190 Totals 615 BERT BEN 1st Mceely 111 Donnally 93 Vance '72 Bass 152 Parker Handicap 1 Totals 573 McCOY AGENCY 1st Amstutz 109 Martin 114 Burdick 86 Dwyer 149 Rayne 136 Totals 594 i s' Punch Lu res rowd Tonightiri'Bouty(ith Zivic Texas ighter Demonstrates He Can Shoot Powerful Wallop Against Al! Comers NEW YORK Dec 2O' P) Prize fighting is a funny business as wit ness riday night's? 10 rounder at the Garden between Lew Jenkins the 'lightweight champion and ritzie Zivic the welterweight bossOn their recent records there is no good reason to suppose they are anywhere near evenly matched Zivic figures to be a shoo in Yet the heavy advance sale indicates that the Garden will be filled to its distant eves and at a nice increase in prices too The only way to account for it is punch the established fact that the skinny hollow eyed little guy from Sweetwater can knock the ears off anybody he can hit right up to heavyweights If 'VdH I whMBmI x' i 1 sIMMf 1 ''x 'trwp1 jjj I iWp i 'Job TEAMS Won Cities Service 30 Pepsi Cola 26 Montgomery Ward 23 Lusk Auto Parts 21 Cola 18 Knights of Columbus 18 Pig Shop 17 Northcutt Drug 15 Individual Averages PLAYER Games DeHeer 42 Willson 1 42 Christie 42 McCloud 42 Byard 36 Hensley 39 Soper 42 West 42 A DeNoya 39 Duff 30 Wagner 42 1 Coleman 24 Troutt 42 Colvin 36 Price 36 Wiles 42 L' Willison 2 Morton 39 Devereaux 36 Welch 42 Benbow 42 DeNoya SO Rees 391 Willison 39 Carpenter an uthey Bowman if Kanelakos inn 15 Hankins 42 Moore 36 Parker 4 Waddelow 42 1 Cox 39 Ijester 42 Story 39 Thompson 15 Porter 42 Hunt '15 Novak 21 Bl Leonard 39 MID WEST 1st 2nd 3rd Tot Anderson 141 173 164 478 Blondo 154 151 150 455 Kruse 123 100 157 380 Williamson 173 162 191 526 Rice 200 ISO 166 526 Handicap 18 18 18 54 809 764 846 2419 ART AND ED 1st 2nd 3rd Tot Hellman 134 '1156' 170 t460 RIeman 159' 166 493 41.

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