T-Nex Plant Growth Regulator Help - Questions and Answers (2025)

Asked by Robby from Waycross, Ga 07/14/2019 Q Does T-Nex need to be watered in after application? A According to the manufacturer, you do NOT want to water in an application ofT-Nex. You want to allow the product at least 4 hours to dry on to the proper surfaces.
  • Asked by Robby from Waycross, Ga



    Does T-Nex need to be watered in after application?


    According to the manufacturer, you do NOT want to water in an application ofT-Nex. You want to allow the product at least 4 hours to dry on to the proper surfaces.

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  • Asked by Ryan from Beverly Hills, Mi



    What is the shelf life of the T-Nex?


    The shelf life ofT-Nexis 3-5 years from the date of purchase if stored in a dry place away from extreme temperatures.

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  • Asked by Tommy from Pembroke



    How long will the Quali-Pro T-Nex retard the growth of grass?


    A maximum of twice the recommended Quali-Pro T-Nex rate from the Application Rate Table may be applied in order to ensure extended growth suppression of up to 8 weeks and when temporary discoloration can be tolerated, otherwise the use rates lead to approximately 50% growth inhibition over a 4-week period.

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  • Asked by Ramon from San Diego



    Is Quali-Pro T-Nex the same as Podium and Primo MAXX? What is the difference? The only difference I find is that Podium and Primo MAXX Percentage of active ingredient 11.3% and Quali-Pro T-Nex is 12%.


    Quali-Pro T-Nexis just a generic of the PrimoMaxx with slightly more active ingredient and a different manufacturer, allowing for different rates to be used.

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  • Asked by Jordan from Dallas, Tx



    What is the Quali-Pro T-Nex to water ratio for Bermuda? I can't seem to find it on the label.


    Quali-Pro T-Nexis applied at the rates below per 0.5-4 gallons of water per page 7 of the product label based on the type of Bermuda in your lawn. Blendonly the volume of spray mixture needed for the square footage to be treated. Makesure there is sufficient agitation during application and apply evenly to ensure thorough coverage of the crop.

    Tifgreen 328 and Other Hybrids- 0.25 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft, Tifway 419-0.38 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft, Tifdwarf-0.20 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft and Common Bermuda- 0.75 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft.

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    35 of 51 people found this answer helpful. See AlsoT-Nex Plant Growth RegulatorT-Nex Plant Growth Regulator

  • Asked by Daniel from Bismarck



    Can I use a surfactant with T-Nex?


    Yes, according to theT-Nexproduct label,surfactants approved for application to turf can be used.

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  • Asked by Kevin from Calera



    How soon after mowing can T-Nex be applied to hybrid bermuda?


    Per the product label: T-Nex may be applied in the following manner:

    1. Mow 4 hours after the application of Quali-Pro

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  • Asked by Jason from Overland Park, Ks



    How soon after germination can T-Nex be used on newly overseeded KBG?


    T-Nexshould be applied 1 to 5 days before seeding and before verticutting, scalping, spiking, or other similar operations. T-Nexis foliarly-absorbed; therefore, it does not affect seed germination.

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  • Asked by Greg from Texas



    How many ounces of Quali-Pro T-Nex and gallons of water should I use on 5500 square feet of property? having a little trouble understanding label please let me know how many ounces and gallons for 5500 sq feet


    The application rates for Quali-Pro T-Nex vary depending on the type of turfgrass you have. You can view these rates on the chart on pages 6-7 of the product label here. Please let us know if you need further assistance.

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  • Asked by Ron from Ohio



    When should I stop using T-Nex for the season? I live in Ohio with a KBG lawn that I keep at 1". Lawn is still actively growing. I hit my GDD threshold on 10/26 and made my last App for the year. Looking for input for next season. Thanks


    The grass needs to be actively growing for a T-Nex application to be effective and useful. So if you are applying now, that would likely be your last application for the year since the T-Nex can last 8 weeks, and you would not apply after frost.

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  • Asked by Todd from Dfw, Texas



    How often should T-Nex be applied during the year to St. Augustine? Bermuda?


    Quali-Pro T-Nex can be applied to healthy, actively growing turf before the onset of stress and may continue to be applied throughout the growing season as long as the turf remains healthy. Do not apply more than 7.0 fl oz per 1000 sq ft per year.

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  • Asked by Scott from Liberty, Tx



    I have equal amounts of Bermuda and St Augustine mixed. The Quali-Pro T-Nex application rates are very different for each type individually, which do I use for both types mixed together?


    We would suggest contacting the manufacturer Quali-Pro for instuctions on the best mix rate for Quali-Pro T-Nexto treat bothboth St. Augustine and Bermuda. The mix rates as you stated vary too much for us to comfortably advise on the best rate recommendation. Quali-Pro can be reached at (800) 242-5562

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  • Asked by Kerry from Gurley Alabama



    If you are not sure what type of Bermuda grass you have, what is a safe amount of T-Nex to apply?


    We recommend that you identify what type of desirable turf you have prior to applyingT-Nex to your grass.

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  • Asked by Timothy from Newton,ga



    Would it hurt to use T-Nex on centipede lawns?


    T-Nexis safe to use on residential centipede lawns.

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  • Asked by Bob from In



    How much T-Nex Plant Growth Regulator in ounces do I use for each gallon of water in my sprayer? The table talks about number of ounces per 1000 square feet or per acre of lawn.


    T-Nex Plant Growth Regulator is measured in oz per 1,000 feet and not oz per gallon. Most people will measure off 1,000 sq, fill their tank with water, then walk and spray at a normal pace. If at the end, you find it takes you 1 gallon of water to cover 1,000 sq then that is how much water you use when mixing and so forth and so on. Typically it takes about 1-3 gallons of water to cover 1,000 sq feet.

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  • Asked by Chad from Crescent Springs, Ky



    Should I mix liquid iron with my T-Nex application to my midnight Blue KBG to prevent discoloration? I plan on doing a split application since it's my first time applying T-Nex. I'm worried about over applying so I thought I'd take the proper dose and divide it by two and go about a week or two apart to see if any issues with my technique. Thought liquid iron would help with any discoloration.


    You can add iron (or quick-release Nitrogen) to an application of T-Nex Plant Growth Regulator in accordance with the product label to reduce any potential discoloration. Discoloration to actively growing turfgrass should last only about a week, if there is any at all. Typically you would not reduce the label rates when applying T-Nex unless the turf were growing under stress from factors such as low fertility or compaction. If you can tolerate some discoloration, then you can actually apply up to twice the listed rate (1.2 oz per 1,000 sq ft on KBG) to get control for up to 8 weeks.

    We recommend that you calibrate your sprayer with just water if you are not sure how much water you need to cover your lawn. We have a video hereto assist you with how to calibrate your sprayer.

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  • Asked by Victor from Orlando Fl



    How much T-Nex should I use on Bahaia grass? How much T-Nex should I use in a 4 gallon sprayer?


    When treating Bahia grass with T-Nex use one ounce per 1,000 sqft.

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  • Asked by Ryan



    When can children and pets resume on the lawn after applyingT-Nex Plant Growth Regulator ? The application did not mention this information - thanks for your help!


    As long as you keep pets/children out of the area while you treat and until the T-Nex Plant Growth Regulator has had time to completely dry or settle it is safe for pets and people to return and resume normal activity typically after 4-6 hours. Always be sure to follow the product label instructions.

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  • Asked by Jonathan from Madison, In



    What's the difference between T-Nex and Ethephon? I know different active ingredient, but is the result the exact same?


    The main difference betweenT-Nexand Ethephon 2SLbesides the active ingredient isthat T-Nex is only for use as a growth regulator for turfgrasses. Ethephon is labeled is labeled to also be used to prevent undesirable fruit on certain trees, mistletoe removal and turfgrass growth, but not on residential lawns.

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  • Asked by David from Lake Jackson, Tx



    When should I apply T-Nex Plant Growth Regulator? I just added fertilizer to my lawn. It's well established and about to add micro nutrients, etc. The yard has had nothing done to it for years. It's Saint Augustine I live in the gulf coast of Texas.I need to spray RoundUp for Southern Lawns. To get rid of weeds. So when should I add the Growth Inhibitor. I spent years confined to bed. But now able to walk again. PTL


    T-Nex Plant Growth Regulatorshould be applied when the lawn if actively growing and will last for 8 weeks. Depending on the type of turfgrass you have, the application rates should be adjusted based on the grass height at application. Please view the Application Rate Table on the product label for application rates for your turfgrass. The lower the height of cut of the particular turfgrass species, the less material is required to provide the desired turf growth regulator effect.

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