STALKER 2: All commands (2025)

The command console is a very useful tool that allows you to manipulate STALKER 2. Thanks to special codes, it is possible to create items, influence the game's physics, or overcome limitations imposed by the title. From this page of the guide, you will learn how to gain access to the mentioned tools and which codes are worth remembering.How to activate the console commands?Most useful commandsGenerating itemsTeleportationHow to activate the console commands?Remember that you use all commands and modifications at your own responsibility!To activate the console commands, it will be necessary to install the modification UETools available for download from Nexus Mods.

The command console is a very useful tool that allows you to manipulate STALKER 2. Thanks to special codes, it is possible to create items, influence the game's physics, or overcome limitations imposed by the title. From this page of the guide, you will learn how to gain access to the mentioned tools and which codes are worth remembering.

  • How to activate the console commands?
  • Most useful commands
  • Generating items
  • Teleportation

How to activate the console commands?

Remember that you use all commands and modifications at your own responsibility!

STALKER 2: All commands (1)

To activate the console commands, it will be necessary to install the modification UETools available for download from Nexus Mods. The whole process is very simple and involves unpacking the downloaded package in the appropriate game folder. You can read the detailed instructions on the mod's page.

STALKER 2: All commands (2)

Once you install the modification, you can start the game. At any time, press the "~" key to bring up the console commands. After entering the correct code, press enter.

You can return to previously used commands by pressing "~" and then the up and down arrows.

Most useful commands

Below we present you a list of what we consider to be the most useful commands and codes:

  1. UETools_Ghost - allows you to walk through walls and other objects;
  2. UETools_Walk - restores the character's natural way of moving;
  3. UETools_Help - brings up a list of all available commands;
  4. XAddMoneyToPlayer (value) - adds the selected number of coupons (in place of the cursive, enter the number of your choice);
  5. XSwitchToWeather weather - changes the current weather in the Zone;
  6. XTeleportTo coordinates - teleports the player to designated place;
  7. XCreateItemInInventoryByID ItemID 0 Count Durability - adds the selected item to the player's inventory.

Generating items

STALKER 2: All commands (3)

To generate an item, enter the following command: XCreateItemInInventoryByID. Immediately after it, enter the following values (everything after the space):

  1. Item ID - can be found on the list below;
  2. Number 0;
  3. Count - how many pieces of the item are to be added to the inventory;
  4. Durability - entering 1 will give you a fully repaired item.

For example: The full command to generate 10 sausages looks like this:

  1. CreateItemInInventoryByID Sausage 0 10 1

And the command for one GP37 rifle with 90% durability looks like this:

  1. XCreateItemInInventoryByID GuardGunG37_ST 0 1 0.9

Below we present a list of IDs for all items.

Food, drinks, and healing items:

  1. Bread
  2. Fresh Bread
  3. Sausage
  4. CannedFood
  5. Milk
  6. Water
  7. SpoiledCannedFood
  8. Energetic
  9. Energetic_Limited
  10. PSYBlocker
  11. Hercules
  12. Beer
  13. Vodka
  14. AntiRad
  15. Medkit
  16. ArmyMedkit
  17. EcoMedkit


  1. Battery - EArtifactBattery
  2. Cavity - FArtifactGlass
  3. Chocolate Bar - EArtifactChocolate
  4. Crown - GArtifactGraphiteBlock
  5. Crust - CArtifactCottonWool
  6. Crystal - FArtifactCrystal
  7. Crystal Thorn - CArtifactCrystalThorn
  8. Droplets - FArtifactDrops
  9. Eye - FArtifactEye
  10. Fireball - FArtifactFireBall
  11. Flash - EArtifactFlash
  12. Flaw - FArtifactBakedBolts
  13. Goldfish - GArtifactGoldFish
  14. Gravi - GArtifactGravy
  15. Harp - EArtifactCloud
  16. Horn - CArtifactBung
  17. Jellyfish - GArtifactLandSlug
  18. Lyre - FArtifactResin
  19. Magma - FArtifactHellishHedgehog
  20. Meat Chunk - CArtifactChunkMeat
  21. Mica - CArtifactMica
  22. Mold - CArtifactKryptonite
  23. Pebble - GArtifactPlane
  24. Rat King - EArtifactWorm
  25. Rosin - GArtifactTrunk
  26. Sapphire - EArtifactJellyFish
  27. Shell - EArtifactDummy
  28. Shop Class - EArtifactTow
  29. Slime - CArtifactSlime
  30. Slug - CArtifactSlug
  31. Snowflake - EArtifactSnowflake
  32. Sparkler - EArtifactSparkler
  33. Spinner - FArtifactBurntHunk
  34. Steak - FArtifactSteak
  35. Stone Blood - GArtifactBloodStone
  36. Stone Heart - GArtifactStoneDrop
  37. Thorn - CArtifactThorn
  38. Whirlwind - GArtifactSponge
  39. Wrenched - GArtifactWrenched
  40. Broken Rock - GArtifactSplitStone
  41. Bubble - CArtifactBubble
  42. Ciliate - CArtifactPlasticine
  43. Dead Sponge - FArtifactDeadSponge
  44. Flower Bud - GArtifactBud
  45. Flytrap - GArtifactHedgehog
  46. Kolobok - CArtifactBun
  47. Lantern - EArtifactThunderHedgehog
  48. Mama's Beads - FArtifactMomsBeads
  49. Moonlight - EArtifactMoonlight
  50. Plasma - FArtifactPlasma
  51. Soul - EArtifactSoul
  52. Spring - GArtifactSpring
  53. Starfish - EArtifactRazor
  54. Torch - FArtifactCore
  55. Tourist's Breakfast - CArtifactRosin
  56. Urchin - CArtifactEchinus Crest - EArtifactCrystalGlass
  57. Devil's Mushroom - CArtifactDevilsMushroom
  58. Glare - EArtifactAtom
  59. Magic Cube - GArtifactRubiksCube
  60. Meat Lighter - FArtifactFireworks
  61. Night Star - GArtifactNightStar
  62. Pellicle - CArtifactPellicle
  63. Petal - FArtifactCandle
  64. Skipjack - CArtifactBouncyBall
  65. Broken Rock - GArtifactSplitStone
  66. Bubble - CArtifactBubble
  67. Ciliate - CArtifactPlasticine
  68. Dead Sponge - FArtifactDeadSponge
  69. Flower Bud - GArtifactBud
  70. Flytrap - GArtifactHedgehog
  71. Kolobok - CArtifactBun
  72. Lantern - EArtifactThunderHedgehog
  73. Mama's Beads - FArtifactMomsBeads
  74. Moonlight - EArtifactMoonlight
  75. Plasma - FArtifactPlasma
  76. Soul - EArtifactSoul
  77. Spring - GArtifactSpring
  78. Starfish - EArtifactRazor
  79. Torch - FArtifactCore
  80. Tourist's Breakfast - CArtifactRosin
  81. Urchin - CArtifactEchinus
  82. Compass - GArtifactCompass
  83. Hypercube - FArtifactRingOmnipotence
  84. Liquid Stone - CArtifactLiquidStone
  85. Thunderberry - EArtifactDope
  86. Weird Ball - AArtifactWeirdBall
  87. Weird Bolt - AArtifactWeirdBolt
  88. Weird Flower - AArtifactWeirdFlower
  89. Weird Kettle - AArtifactWeirdKettle
  90. Weird Nut - AArtifactWeirdNut
  91. Weird Water - AArtifactWeirdWater


  1. Echo - Echo
  2. Hilka - Gilka
  3. Bear - Bear
  4. Veles - Veles

Blueprints (Clothing):

Cuirass Exoskeleton

  1. All-Titanium Components - Blueprint_Exoskeleton_Dolg_Armor_Upgrade_1
  2. Elimination System.. - Blueprint_Exoskeleton_Dolg_Armor_Upgrade_2
  3. Protective Coating - Blueprint_Exoskeleton_Dolg_Armor_Upgrade_3
  4. Lead Container - Blueprint_Exoskeleton_Dolg_Armor_Upgrade_4

PSZ-9D Duty Armor

  1. Camel Hydration System - Blueprint_Heavy_Dolg_Armor_Upgrade_1
  2. Aramid Lining - Blueprint_Heavy_Dolg_Armor_Upgrade_2

Shield of Duty Exosuit

  1. Srayed Protective Layer - Blueprint_HeavyExoskeleton_Dolg_Armor_Upgrade_1
  2. Expanded Backpack - Blueprint_HeavyExoskeleton_Dolg_Armor_Upgrade_2
  3. Protective Coating - Blueprint_HeavyExoskeleton_Dolg_Armor_Upgrade_3
  4. Lead Container - Blueprint_HeavyExoskeleton_Dolg_Armor_Upgrade_4


  1. Camel Hydration System - Blueprint_SEVA_Dolg_Armor_Upgrade_1
  2. Aramid Lining - Blueprint_SEVA_Dolg_Armor_Upgrade_2

Liberty Exoskeleton

  1. All-Titanium Components - Blueprint_Exoskeleton_Svoboda_Armor_Upgrade_1
  2. Elimination System.. - Blueprint_Exoskeleton_Svoboda_Armor_Upgrade_2
  3. Protective Coating - Blueprint_Exoskeleton_Svoboda_Armor_Upgrade_3
  4. Protective Coating - Blueprint_Exoskeleton_Svoboda_Armor_Upgrade_4

PSZ-12V Bulat

  1. Lead Container - Blueprint_Heavy_Svoboda_Armor_Upgrade_1
  2. Camel Hydration System - Blueprint_Heavy_Svoboda_Armor_Upgrade_2
  3. Aramid Lining - Blueprint_Heavy_Svoboda_Helmet_Upgrade_1

Bulwark Exosuit

  1. Sewn-on Pockets - Blueprint_HeavyExoskeleton_Svoboda_Armor_Upgrade_1
  2. Airtight Polyethylene.. - Blueprint_HeavyExoskeleton_Svoboda_Armor_Upgrade_2
  3. Active Filters - Blueprint_HeavyExoskeleton_Svoboda_Armor_Upgrade_3
  4. Lead Container - Blueprint_HeavyExoskeleton_Svoboda_Armor_Upgrade_4


  1. Protective Coating - Blueprint_SEVA_Svoboda_Armor_Upgrade_1
  2. Aramid Lining - Blueprint_SEVA_Svoboda_Armor_Upgrade_2

Brummbar Exoskeleton

  1. All-Titanium Components - Blueprint_Exoskeleton_Mercenaries_Armor_Upgrade_1
  2. Elimination System.. - Blueprint_Exoskeleton_Mercenaries_Armor_Upgrade_2
  3. Hydraulic Amplifiers.. - Blueprint_Exoskeleton_Mercenaries_Armor_Upgrade_3
  4. Protective Coating - Blueprint_Exoskeleton_Mercenaries_Armor_Upgrade_4

Ballistic Helmet

  1. Aramid Lining - Blueprint_Battle_Military_Helmet_Upgrade_1

Tactical Helmet

  1. Plexiglas Overlays.. - Blueprint_Heavy_Military_Helmet_Upgrade_1

Berill-5M Armored Suit

  1. Camel Hydration System - Blueprint_Heavy2_Military_Armor_Upgrade_1
  2. Lead Container - Blueprint_Heavy2_Military_Armor_Upgrade_2


  1. Elimination System.. - Blueprint_Exoskeleton_Neutral_Armor_Upgrade_1
  2. Protective Coating - Blueprint_Exoskeleton_Neutral_Armor_Upgrade_2
  3. Lead Container - Blueprint_Exoskeleton_Neutral_Armor_Upgrade_3
  4. Lead Container - Blueprint_Exoskeleton_Neutral_Armor_Upgrade_4

Sphere M20 Helmet

  1. Aramid Lining - Blueprint_Heavy_Duty_Helmet_Upgrade_1


  1. Chainmail Inserts - Blueprint_SEVA_Neutral_Armor_Upgrade_1
  2. Protective Coating - Blueprint_SEVA_Neutral_Armor_Upgrade_2

SSP-100 Discovery

  1. Lead Container - Blueprint_HeavyAnomaly_Scientific_Armor_Upgrade_1
  2. Aramid Lining - Blueprint_HeavyAnomaly_Scientific_Armor_Upgrade_2


  1. Sewn-on Pockets - Blueprint_SciSEVA_Scientific_Armor_Upgrade_1
  2. Airtight Polyethylene.. - Blueprint_SciSEVA_Scientific_Armor_Upgrade_2

PSZ-9I Falcon

  1. Plexiglas Suit.. - Blueprint_HeavyBattle_Spark_Armor_Upgrade_1
  2. Lead Container - Blueprint_HeavyBattle_Spark_Armor_Upgrade_2

SEVA-I SuitSee AlsoStalker 2 Console Commands Prompts and Cheat Mods

  1. Sewn-on Pockets - Blueprint_SEVA_Spark_Armor_Upgrade_1
  2. Lead Container - Blueprint_SEVA_Spark_Armor_Upgrade_2

Operator Exoskeleton

  1. All-Titanium Components - Blueprint_BattleExoskeleton_Varta_Armor_Upgrade_1
  2. Arm Servos - Blueprint_BattleExoskeleton_Varta_Armor_Upgrade_2
  3. Lead Container - Blueprint_BattleExoskeleton_Varta_Armor_Upgrade_3
  4. Lead Container - Blueprint_BattleExoskeleton_Varta_Armor_Upgrade_4

Blueprints (Weapons):


  1. Counterweight - Blueprint_APB_Upgrade_1
  2. Individual Adjustment - Blueprint_APB_Upgrade_2

AS Lavina

  1. Adjusted Bolt Locking.. - Blueprint_Lavina_Upgrade_1
  2. Rubber Layer - Blueprint_Lavina_Upgrade_2


  1. Extra Barrel Rifling - Blueprint_Dnipro_Upgrade_1
  2. Caliber Conversion.. - Blueprint_Dnipro_Upgrade_2

Grom S-14

  1. Rubber Stock Rear - Blueprint_Grim_Upgrade_1
  2. Integral-A
  3. Return Mechanism Sleeve.. - Blueprint_Integral_Upgrade_1


  1. Counterweight - Blueprint_Kharod_Upgrade_1
  2. Rubber Coating - Blueprint_Kharod_Upgrade_2

M10 Gordon

  1. Rubber Layer - Blueprint_M10_Upgrade_1

M701 Super

  1. Return Mechanism Sleeve.. - Blueprint_M701_Upgrade_1
  2. Polymer Handle - Blueprint_M701_Upgrade_2

M860 Cracker

  1. Magazine Feed - Blueprint_M860_Upgrade_1


  1. Return Mechanism Sleeve.. - Blueprint_Ram2_Upgrade_1
  2. Automatic Two-Stage Gas.. - Blueprint_Ram2_Upgrade_2


  1. Buckshot Conversion - Blueprint_Rhino_Upgrade_1


  1. Rubber Coating - Blueprint_MG_Upgrade_1
  2. Rubber Stock Rear - Blueprint_MG_Upgrade_2

Saiga D-12

  1. Choke - Blueprint_D12_Upgrade_1
  2. Rebalanced Stock - Blueprint_D12_Upgrade_2


  1. Individual Adjustment - Blueprint_SVU_Upgrade_1
  2. Rubber Layer - Blueprint_SVU_Upgrade_2

VS Vintar

  1. Return Mechanism Sleeve.. - Blueprint_Gvintar_Upgrade_1
  2. Adjusted Bolt Locking.. - Blueprint_Gvintar_Upgrade_2


  1. Extra Barrel Rifling - Blueprint_Zubr_Upgrade_1
  2. Anatomical Adjustment - Blueprint_Zubr_Upgrade_2

Blueprints (For quests):

  1. Suppressor Blueprint - Blueprint_FaustPsyResist_Quest_1_1



  1. Armored Bandit Jacket - Jacket_Bandit_Armor
  2. PG-4 FaceHugger - Gas Mask - Light_Bandit_Helmet
  3. Marauder Suit - Middle_Bandit_Armor
  4. Bandit Jacket - SkinJacket_Bandit_Armor


  1. Recruit Suit - Rook_Dolg_Armor
  2. SEVA-D Suit - SEVA_Dolg_Armor
  3. PSZ-5D Universal Protection - Battle_Dolg_Armor
  4. Cuirass Exoskeleton - Exoskeleton_Dolg_Armor
  5. PSZ-9D Duty Armor - Heavy_Dolg_Armor
  6. Shield of Duty Exosuit - HeavyExoskeleton_Dolg_Armor


  1. Wind of Freedom Suit - Rook_Svoboda_Armor
  2. PSZ-5V Guardian of Freedom Suit - Battle_Svoboda_Armor
  3. SEVA-V Suit - SEVA_Svoboda_Armor
  4. Liberty Exoskeleton - Exoskeleton_Svoboda_Armor
  5. PSZ-12V Bulat - Heavy_Svoboda_Armor
  6. Mask-1 Helmet - Heavy_Svoboda_Helmet
  7. Bulwark Exosuit - HeavyExoskeleton_Svoboda_Armor


  1. Mercenary's Light Suit - UltraLight_Mercenaries_Armor - Deluxe Edition
  2. Brummbar Exoskeleton - Exoskeleton_Mercenaries_Armor
  3. PSZ-9N WolfHound - Heavy_Mercenaries_Armor
  4. Mercenary Suit - Light_Mercenaries_Armor
  5. PA-7 Gas Mask - Light_Mercenaries_Helmet


  1. Ballistic Helmet - Battle_Military_Helmet
  2. Tactical Helmet - Heavy_Military_Helmet
  3. PSZ-7 Military Body Armor - Default_Military_Armor
  4. Berill-5M Armored Suit - Heavy2_Military_Armor
  5. PA-10 Gas Mask - Light_Military_Helmet


  1. Zircon Suit - Battle_Monolith_Armor
  2. Wanderer Suit - SEVA_Monolith_Armor - Deluxe Edition
  3. Diamond Exoskeleton - Exoskeleton_Monolith_Armor
  4. Corundum Suit - HeavyAnomaly_Monolith_Armor
  5. Ruby Exosuit - HeavyExoskeleton_Monolith_Armor


  1. Debut Suit - Newbee_Neutral_Armor
  2. Sunrise Suit - Zorya_Neutral_Armor
  3. Tourist Suit - Zorya_Tourist_Armor
  4. SEVA Suit - SEVA_Neutral_Armor
  5. Exoskeleton - Exoskeleton_Neutral_Armor
  6. Sphere M20 Helmet - Heavy_Duty_Helmet
  7. Leather Jacket - Jemmy_Neutral_Armor
  8. Aurora Gas Mask - Light_Duty_Helmet
  9. Optician Gas Mask - Light_Neutral_Helmet
  10. OZK Explorer's Suit - Nasos_Neutral_Armor
  11. X7 Suit - Battle_Dolg_End_Armor


  1. SSP-99 Ecologist - Anomaly_Scientific_Armor
  2. SSP-99 Ecologist Upgraded - Anomaly_Scientific_Armor_PSY_preinstalled
  3. SSP-100 Discovery - HeavyAnomaly_Scientific_Armor
  4. EMS_Sciseva_Scientific_Armor_ - SciSEVA_Scientific_Armor\
  6. SSP-100M SIRCAA - HeavyAnomaly_SIRCA_Armor - Deluxe Edition


  1. PSZ-5I Hawk - Battle_Spark_Armor
  2. SEVA-I Suit - SEVA_Spark_Armor
  3. SSP-100I Survey- HeavyAnomaly_Spark_Armor
  4. PSZ-9I Falcon - HeavyBattle_Spark_Armor


  1. Operator Exoskeleton - BattleExoskeleton_Varta_Armor
  2. PSZ-20W Conwoy - Battle_Varta_Armor
  3. AeroProtection Gas - Mask - Heavy_Varta_Helmet
  4. PSZ-21W Shturm - HeavyExoskeleton_Varta_Armor - Ultimate Edition
  5. NPC Armors
  6. NPC_Agata_Armor
  7. NPC_Anomaly_Spark_Armor
  8. NPC_Barmen_Armor
  9. NPC_Battle_Noon_Armor
  10. NPC_Batya_Armor
  11. NPC_Cloak_Heavy_Military_Armor
  12. NPC_Cloak_Heavy_Neutral_Armor
  13. NPC_Dalin_Armor
  14. NPC_Dekhtyarev_Armor
  15. NPC_Exoskeleton_Coprs_Armor
  16. NPC_Exoskeleton_Noon_Armor
  17. NPC_Faust_Armor
  18. NPC_Heavy_Corps_Armor
  19. NPC_Heavy_Military_Armor
  20. NPC_Heavy2_Coprs_Armor
  21. NPC_Heavy3_Corps_Armor
  22. NPC_Heavy3Exoskeleton_Coprs_Armor
  23. NPC_HeavyAnomaly_Noon_Armor
  24. NPC_HeavyExoskeleton_Mercenaries_Armor
  25. NPC_HeavyExoskeleton_Noon_Armor
  26. NPC_HeavyExoskeleton_Spark_Armor
  27. NPC_Kaymanov_Armor
  28. NPC_Korshunov_Armor
  29. NPC_Korshunov_Armor_2
  30. NPC_Richter_Armor
  31. NPC_Sci_Armor
  32. NPC_Sell_Armor
  33. NPC_Select_Neutral_Armor
  34. NPC_Shram_Armor
  35. NPC_Sidorovich_Armor
  36. NPC_SkinCloak_Bandit_Armor
  37. NPC_Spark_Armor
  38. NPC_Tec_Armor
  39. NPC_Tyotya_Armor


Some types of weapons are only available in the Deluxe and Ultimate editions of the game. They have been marked on the list with the appropriate annotation.

Almost every weapon has two IDs (separated on the list by a hyphen). Both identifiers are functional and can be used in the command.


  1. AKM-74S - GuardGunAK74_ST / GunAK74_ST
  2. AKM-74U - GuardGunAKU_PP / GunAKU_PP
  3. GP37 - GuardGunG37_ST / GunG37_ST
  4. AS Lavina - GuardGunLavina_ST / GunLavina_ST
  5. Kharod - GuardGunKharod_ST / GunKharod_ST
  6. AR416 - GuardGunM16_ST / GunM16_ST
  7. Fora-221 - GuardGunFora_ST / GunFora_ST
  8. Grom S-14 - GuardGunGrim_ST / GunGrim_ST
  9. Dnipro - GuardGunDnipro_ST / GunDnipro_ST


  1. APSB - GuardGunAPB_HG / GunAPB_HG
  2. PTM - GuardGunPM_HG / GunPM_HG
  3. UDP Compact - GuardGunUDP_HG / GunUDP_HG
  4. Rhino - GuardGunRhino_HG / GunRhino_HG

Submachine guns

  1. Bucket S-2 - GuardGunBucket_PP / GunBucket_PP
  2. Integral-A - GuardGunIntegral_PP / GunIntegral_PP
  3. M10 Gordon - GuardGunM10_HG / GunM10_HG
  4. Zubr-19 - GuardGunZubr_PP / GunZubr_PP
  5. Viper-5 - GuardGunViper_PP / GunViper_PP


  1. Boomstick - GuardGunObrez_SG / GunObrez_SG
  2. TOZ-34 - GuardGunTOZ_SG / GunTOZ_SG
  3. Saiga D-12 - GuardGunD12_SG / GunD12_SG
  4. M860 Cracker - GuardGunM860_SG / GunM860_SG
  5. SPSA-14 - GuardGunSPSA_SG / GunSPSA_SG
  6. RAM-2 - GuardGunRam2_SG / GunRam2_SG

Sniper rifles

  1. Mark I EMR - GuardGunMark_SP / GunMark_SP
  2. VS Vintar - GuardGunVintar_ST / GunVintar_ST
  3. M701 Super - GuardGunM701_SP / GunM701_SP
  4. SVDM-2 - GuardGunSVDM_SP / GunSVDM_SP
  5. SVU-MK S-3 - GuardGunSVU_SP / GunSVU_SP

Machine guns

  1. RPM-74 - GuardGunPKP_MG / GunPKP_MG


  1. Gauss Gun - GunGauss_SP

Rocket launcher

  1. RPG-7U - GunRpg7_GL

Weapon from the mission:

  1. Skif's Gun - Gun_SkifGun_HG
  2. Decider - Gun_Decider_AR

Weapon (special with name):

  1. AKM-74S (Korshunov) - GunAK74_Korshunov_ST
  2. AKM-74S (Strelok) - GunAK74_Strelok_ST
  3. AR416 Monolith - Gun_RifleMonolith_AR - Deluxe Edition
  4. Clusterfuck - Gun_Sharpshooter_AR
  5. Combatant - Gun_Combatant_AR
  6. Drowned - Gun_Drowned_AR
  7. Grom S-15 - Gun_S15_AR
  8. Lullaby - Gun_Novator_AR - Ultimate Edition
  9. Partner - Gun_Partner_SR
  10. SA-U "Gabion" - Gun_Gabion_AR - Deluxe Edition
  12. Sotnyk - Gun_Sotnyk_AR
  13. Special - Gun_Silence_SMG
  14. Spitfire - Gun_Spitfire_SMG
  15. Trophy - Gun_Trophy_AR
  16. Unknown Stalker's AR416 - Gun_Unknown_AR
  17. Valik Lummox's AKM-74S - Gun_Lummox_AR
  18. Deadeye - Gun_Deadeye_HG
  19. Encourage - Gun_Encourage_HG
  20. Gambit - Gun_Krivenko_HG
  21. Labyrinth IV - Gun_ProjectY_HG
  22. PTM (Silenced) - Gun_Star_HG
  23. PTM Monolith - Gun_PistolMonolith_HG - Deluxe Edition
  24. Deadeye - Gun_Deadeye_HG
  25. Encourage - Gun_Encourage_HG
  26. Gambit - Gun_Krivenko_HG
  27. Labyrinth IV - Gun_ProjectY_HG
  28. PTM (Silenced) - Gun_Star_HG
  29. PTM Monolith - Gun_PistolMonolith_HG - Deluxe Edition
  30. Model Competitor - Gun_ModelSpecial_HG - Ultimate Edition
  31. Gangster - Gun_GStreet_HG
  32. Rat Killer - Gun_RatKiller_SMG
  33. Riemann - Gun_Logarithm_SMG - Deluxe Edition
  34. Shah's Mate - Gun_Shakh_SMG
  35. Spitter - Gun_Spitter_SMG
  36. Viper "Monolith" - Gun_SMGMonolith_SMG - Ultimate Edition
  37. "Margach D-12MT" - Gun_Margach_SG - Ultimate Edition
  38. M860 Monolith - Gun_ShotgunMonolith_SG - Deluxe Edition
  39. Predator - Gun_Predator_SG
  40. Reyka - Gun_Rail_SG
  41. Sledgehammer - Gun_Sledgehammer_SG
  42. Texan - Gun_Texas_SG
  43. Cavalier - Gun_Cavalier_SR
  44. "Hunter" - Gun_Zvirolov_SR - Deluxe Edition
  45. Lynx - Gun_Lynx_SR
  46. Merc - Gun_Merc_AR
  47. SVU-MK S-3 (Duga) - GunSVU_Sniper_Duga_SP
  48. Veteran - Gun_Veteran_AR
  49. Whip - Gun_Whip_SR
  50. Beast - GunPKP_Korshunov_MG
  51. Glutton - Gun_Tank_MG
  52. EM-1 - GunGauss_Scar_SP



  1. 5.45x39mm PS - A545D - Regular
  2. 5.45x39mm PP - A545A - Armor-piercing
  3. 5.45x39mm MZHV-13 - A545E - Expansive
  4. 5.56x45mm M885 - A556D - Regular
  5. 5.56x45mm M995 - A556A - Armor-piercing
  6. 5.56x45mm HP - A556E - Expansive
  7. 5.56x45mm MK 262 - A556S - Flat


  1. .45 ACP FMJ - A045D - Regular
  2. .45 ACP AP - A045A - Armor-piercing
  3. .45 ACP HP - A045E - Expansive
  4. SMG/Pistol (PTM, APSB, Buket S-2)
  5. 9x18mm PST - A918D - Regular
  6. 9x18mm RG028 - A918A - Armor-piercing
  7. SMG/Pistol (Viper-5, Integral-A, Zubr-19)
  8. 9x19mm FMJ - A919D - Regular
  9. 9x19mm P - A919A Armor-piercing


  1. 12x70mm Buckshot - A012D - Regular
  2. 12x76mm Slug - A012A - Armor-piercing
  3. 12x76mm Expanding Dart - A012E - Expansive

Sniper rifles

  1. .308 W - A762NATOD - Regular
  2. .308 AP - A762NATOA - Armor-piercing
  3. .308 Match - A762NATOS - Flat7.62x54mm LPS - A762SniperD - Regular
  4. 7.62x54mm B-32 - A762SniperA - Armor-piercing
  5. 7.62x54mm 7N1 - A762SniperS - Flat9x39mm PA - A939D - Regular
  6. 9x39mm SP-6 - A939A - Armor-piercing
  7. 9x39mm PPE - A939E - Expansive
  8. 9x39mm SP-5 - A939S - Flat

Machine guns

  1. 7.62x39mm PS - A762D - Regular
  2. 7.62x39mm BZ - A762A - Armor-piercing
  3. 7.62x39mm LAN - A762E - Expansive


  1. Gauss Cartridge - AGAHEDP - AHEDP (Two-0-Three Underbarrel Grenade Launcher)
  2. VOG-25 - AVOG (GP-25, Grom S-14)
  3. PG-7v - APG7V (RPG-7U)

Weapon addons:

Mounted under the barrel


  1. GP-25 - RU_GLaunch_1

[GP37, Kharod, M701 Super]

  1. Hoemaker-L - EN_BuckLaunch_1

[AR416, GP37, Kharod]

  1. Two-O-Three Underbarrel Grenade Launcher - EN_GLaunch_1

Binoculars and collimators

[M10 Gordon, PSB, Buket S-2, Ram-2]

  1. Collimator Sight - EN_ColimScope_1

[Viper-5, Integral-A, AR416, GP37, Fora-221, Kharod, Dnipro, M860 Cracker, SPSA-14, Ram-2]

  1. Holographic Sight - EN_GoloScope_1

[Rhino, Integral-A, Fora-221, Kharod, Mark I EMR]

  1. RNBW 2x Scope - EN_X2Scope_1

[AR416, GP37, Fora-221, Grom S14, Kharod, Dnipro, M860 Cracker, Mark I EMR]

  1. ACOG 4x Scope - EN_X4Scope_1

[Mark I EMR]

  1. Storm Falcon 8x Scope - EN_X8Scope_1

[AKM-74U, Zubr-19, Grom S-14, Dnipro, RPM-74, Saiga D-12]

  1. Open Collimator Sight - RU_ColimScope_1

[Zubr-19, AS Lavina, Dnipro, Saiga D-12]

  1. PAO 2x Scope - RU_X2Scope_1

[AKM-74S, VS Vintar, AS lavina, SVU-MK S-3]

  1. PSO 4x Scope - RU_X4Scope_1

[VS Vintar]

  1. POS 8x Scope - RU_X8Scope_1


[UDP Compact, M10 Gordon]

  1. Tactical Pistol Silencer - EN_Silencer_1

[Viper-5, Integral-A]

  1. Pistol Silencer - EN_Silen_2

[AR416, GP37, Fora-221, Kharod]

  1. Assault Rifle Silencer - EN_Silen_3

[Mark I EMR, M701 Super]

  1. Sniper Rifle Silencer - EN_Silen_4

[PTM, APSB, Buket S-2, Zubr-19]

  1. Pistol Supressor - RU_Silen_1

[AKM-74U, AKM-74S, Grom S-14, Dnipro]

  1. Assault Rifle Supressor - RU_Silen_2

[SVDM-2, SVU-MK S-3]

  1. Sniper Rifle Supressor - RU_Silen_3


[AKM-74U, AKM-74S]

  1. Coupled AKM-74 Magazines - GunAK_MagPaired

[AKM-74S, Dnipro]

  1. High-Capacity AKM-74 Magazine - GunAK74_MagIncreased


  1. High-Capacity APSB Magazine - GunAPB_MagIncreased

[Buket S-2]

  1. High-Capacity Buket S-2 Magazine - GunBucket_MagIncreased

[Saiga D-12]

  1. High-Capacity Saiga D-12 Magazine - GunD12_MagIncreased
  2. Paired Saiga D-12 Magazine - GunD12_MagPaired
  3. Saiga D-12 Drum Magazine - GunD12_MagLarge


  1. Coupled Dnipro Magazines - GunDnipro_MagPaired

[Fora-221, Kharod]

  1. High-Capacity Fora-221 and Kharod Magazine - GunFora_MagIncreased

[Gauss Gun]

  1. High-Capacity Gauss Magazine - GunGauss_MagIncreased


  1. GP37 Drum Magazine - GunGP37_MagLarge
  2. High-Capacity GP37 Magazine - GunGP37_MagPaired


  1. High-Capacity Grom S-14 Magazine - GunGrim_MagIncreased
  2. Grom S-14 Drum Magazine - GunGrim_MagLarge

[VS Vintar]

  1. High-Capacity VS Vintar Magazine - GunGvintar_MagIncreased


  1. High-Capacity Built-In Magazine - GunIntegral_MagIncreased


  1. Paired Kharod Magazine - GunKharod_MagPaired

[AS Lavina]

  1. High-Capacity AS Lavina Magazine - GunLavina_MagIncreased

[M10 Gordon]

  1. High-Capacity M10 Magazine - GunM10_MagIncreased


  1. High-Capacity AR416 System Magazine - GunM16_MagIncreased

[Mark I EMR]

  1. High-Capacity Mark I Magazine - GunMark_MagIncreased


  1. Large RP-74 Ammo Box - GunPKP_MagIncreased
  2. Tank-Mounted RP-74 Ammo Box - GunPKP_MagLarge


  1. High-Capacity PTM Magazine - GunPM_MagIncreased

[SVU-MK S-3]

  1. High-Capacity SVU-MK S-3 Magazine - GunSVU_MagIncreased

[UDP Compact]

  1. High-Capacity UDP Magazine - GunUDP_MagIncreased


  1. High-Capacity Viper-5 Magazine - GunViper_MagIncreased


  1. High-Capacity Zubr-16 Magazine - GunZubr_MagIncreased


Burned Forest

  1. BurnedForest_Mist_Key_DoorOld
  2. BurntForest_X15_Key_Chest
  3. BurntForest_Cherevach_Key_Padlock
  4. BurntForest_FairyTaleCamp_Key_DoorNew

Cement Factory

  1. CementPlant_ConcreteForest_NewDoorKey
  2. CementPlant_IslandNearKopachi_Key_DoorNew


  1. Cordon_Brainwasher_Key_Padlock

Chemical Plant

  1. ChemicalPlant_RailwayCloset_Key_DoorOld


  1. Garbage_DetentionCenter_Key_Padlock
  2. Garbage_Hlynka_Key_Chest
  3. Garbage_X18DressRoom_Key_Chest


  1. Jupiter_HlebZavod_Key_DoorNew


  1. Malachite_X17_Key_DoorNew


  1. Pripyat_Polesie_Key_DoorNew
  2. Pripyat_Restoran_1_Key_DoorNew
  3. Pripyat_Restoran_2_Key_Chest
  4. PripyatCafe_Key_Chest
  5. Pripyat_Vysokopoverhivka_Teleport_Key_DoorNew

Red Forest

  1. RedForest_Leshyna_Key_DoorNew


  1. RostokKeyForDoor01

Wild Island

  1. WildIsland_Trestle_Key_Padlock


  1. Yantar_Agro_1_Key_DoorNew
  2. Yantar_Agro_2_Key_Chest
  3. YantarArgarFactoryKeyForDoor01


  1. PromzonaArmyStorageKey
  2. Tamplate_Key_Chest
  3. Tamplate_Key_DoorNew
  4. Tamplate_Key_DoorOld
  5. Tamplate_Key_Padlock


STALKER 2: All commands (4)

Teleportation allows you to instantly move to any location on the map. The command used for teleportation is:

  1. XTeleportTo coordinates

Below we present a list of coordinates of the most important settlements (after the em dash):

  1. Zalissya - 404030.00, 546800.00, 650.00
  2. Slag Heap - 421200.00, 411620.00, 2150.00
  3. Wild Island - 488370.00, 517500.00, 380.00
  4. Cement Factory - 492050.00, 372900.00, 2200.00
  5. Cat Village - 447000.00, 653350.00, -2700.00
  6. Icarus - 608150.00, 599650.00, 3180.00
  7. Sultansk - 662880.00, 619000.00, 580.00
  8. Rostok - 317400.00, 415600.00, 350.00
  9. Chemical Plant - 307090.00, 515580.00, 750.00
  10. Malachite - 107550.00, 473500.00, 700.00

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl

November 20, 2024

STALKER 2: All commands (5)STALKER 2: All commands (6)

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