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New Orleans, LA United States | 2022
When hurricanes make landfall, they leave a path of destruction and devastation. Whether residents choose to ride-out the storm at home or evacuate to safety, the danger doesn’t stop after the storm passes. Loss of power causes a variety of risks including heat stroke, medical device malfunction, carbon monoxide poisoning, contaminated drinking water and more. In fact, after Hurricane Laura hit Louisiana in 2020, more people died from carbon monoxide poisoning than the storm itself. A reliable power grid that can withstand hurricane force winds is the best solution to safeguarding our communities during these troubling times.
The PyraMAX solution helps conserve resources due to its long lifespan with little to no maintenance required.
When hurricane Laura struck Louisiana, the category 4 storm left 616,000 residents without power. Throughout the inspections and repairs, it became obvious certain structures were much more resilient than others. The PyraMAX® structures designed and fabricated by a world-renowned infrastructure company proved to be the strongest in the field with little to no damage realized. That’s why Entergy approached the same company to replace the newly damaged structures.
PyraMAX structures are specifically designed to withstand high wind loads, yet they are flexible enough for difficult terrain and sensitive ecosystems such as the marshes and swamps of coastal Louisiana. Hot-dip galvanizing is specified for steel structures due to the company’s extensive history with the protective coating. Not only is galvanizing a convenient and quick solution, which was highly important for this project, but it also adds decades of interrupted service. Hot-dip galvanizing also contributed to the sustainability of the structures utilizing natural, abundant resources without the risk of introducing harmful substances to the environment.
Throughout the recovery efforts, Entergy relied on expedited processing by the manufacturer with 24/7 communication. Seven manufacturing facilities switched to full emergency status, and they were able to deliver 207 structures within two weeks and an additional 2,175 structures within seven weeks. About a year later, Hurricane Ida hit the same area. Although Ida was the second most damaging hurricane to ever make landfall in the U.S., even the 400-foot tall PyraMAX structure survived with no damage.
Following the second storm, a new wave of replacement structures was required. Again, due to the proven performance of PyraMAX, Entergy approached the same company for the project. This included the installation of two 475-foot PyraMAX towers that would carry one of the eight transmissions lines across the Mississippi River into New Orleans. These large structures were the tallest ever produced by the company and their proprietary testing method ensures they will deliver the same strength and reliability as the smaller installations.
The PyraMAX solution helps conserve resources due to its long lifespan with little to no maintenance required. Most importantly, the structures will prevent power outages in future extreme conditions – improving lives by keeping the lights on and saving time and money for utilities in lost power and repairs.
Award Class
Newly Complete
Award Sectors
Electrical, Utility & Communication
Tropical Marine
New Orleans, LA United States
Reasons for Galvanizing
Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Ease of Specifying, Prior HDG Experience, Sustainability, Turnaround Time
Components Galvanized
All members in the two 475ft tall Mississippi river crossing PyraMAX transmission towers that includes legs, columns, conductor arms, cross braces, climbing steps, ladders and platforms (338 tons each).
Steel: 676 HDG: 676
Team Members
Valmont Industries, Inc.
Member Galvanizer(s)
Valmont Coatings - Valley Galvanizing
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