For myself I can say that I am a frequent visitor ofKarina's foot blog, as well as herdeviantArtaccount, where she has lots of photos of her beatiful feet and interesting posts about feet!Karina agreed to give an exclusive interview to FeetXpress about her first foot worship experience.
Post any questions you have to Karina in the comment section below. She will answer them in part 2 of this interview!
Karina, thanks again!
Hi Karina, thanks again for being on FeetXpress!
Thank you and I hope your readers enjoy it too. It has been so long that I have been on this blog. It was your first anniversay, I guess?
So dear new Feetexpress-Readers. I am Karina. Showing and talking about feet on my blog and on DeviantArt. I am not able to give you the whole story how and why I began with all this. You have to see it for yourself. But one thing before I start the interview: Never feel bad about loving feet. Be yourself and share it.
(Oh god, I could talk so much about that, but that would not be helpful. If you like more, tell me.)
"We both felt a bit akward, because we knew each other too much in a friendly way"
So tell us about your first foot worship experience, how old were you, and was it with a boy or a girl?
It was with a boy and it happened during my time studying at the University. And yes this was in those early times, I showed my feet on the Internet.
If you now want to hear an erotic and exciting story, you should stop to read. I really mean that!
On your site you posted some pictures of your licked feet, this was done by yourself, was this before your experience?These pictures I took long before I started my Foot-Blog. I re-uploaded them for everyone to see. If you mean the same pictures like I do, yes, there I licked my own feet for the pictures, yes.
So was your first real foot worship experience a planned out thing? Or more of spontaneous action?
A more or less planned thing. But I have to explain more about it. He was a guy from a study group and we really enjoyed it talking open-minded about everything. Really everything and we never considered about any love interest. So one day he said to me that he has a crush on feet. That time I also have showed my first feet pictures on the internet (not on my blog, that came later) and I have been familiar with these things. But I also wanted to know more.
So we talked a bit about it. He had no experiences, I had no experiences, so I asked him to come over to just try it. (He wanted to find out if he really is into feet, when it becomes a reality and I wanted to found out if this is somehting I would enjoy).
"So he sucked my toes, licked my soles and gave some very nice pleasures on my feet"
We both felt a bit akward, because we knew each other too much in a friendly way.
Ok. I layed down on my couch, stretching my bare feet over the end of the couch. I could not see his face or my feet. As I said, we both just wanted to have this experience.
He was very nice beginning kissing my feet first, then licking. We both laughed a lot about what we were doing. But I said to him that I like it and he should go on.So he sucked my toes, licked my soles and gave some very nice pleasures on my feet.The tension was not erotic. Just two people who want to make a new experience. That’s all. But I liked this feeling. I often said on my blog, that I love it to feel something with my feet, and that is why I like to be barefoot. But feeling another person loving your feet and caring about them, is another level. Yes I enjoyed it.
So what was happening, did you get your soles licked or toes sucked for example, can you tell us how it went, and how it felt?
I told you before. The first time it was not a sexual thing at all. Just trying out a new experience. Maybe for him more than for me ;) I do not know. But I really enjoyed it.
"He was very nice beginning kissing my feet first, then licking"
You probably fantasized about it before, did it match up to your expectations?Did I had expectations before? Maybe. But I really enjoyed it. It was something new at that time.So you told me you really enjoyed the experience. What about your college friend? Did you discuss afterwards? Did he enjoy licking your feet? How did it feel for him? Did it verify his thoughts about having a crush on feet?Well it has been a while and I really have to think a alot to remember everything correctly. Yes we talked about it but not so much in details. As I said, we did this for our own experiences. He said that he enjoyed it and he was very thankful for this experience. I was thankful too.
Did he told you how your feet tasted in his experience?
Sorry, but I did not ask about the taste of my feet. Hey, it was a one time session, just to try it. I did not have so many questions afterwards. And it would not have been so appropriate to ask about such details.
You told me about that the situation was more or less a planned thing. Im interested to know how much planning went into it. How did you prepare for having your feet worshipped? Did you clean them before? Or did you purposely worn your shoes al day long, for any odor?
Yes. It was kind of planned. But I did not think so much about it. But I washed my feet before that event. And he told me before that he is not in stinky feet or socks so much.
"But feeling another person loving your feet and caring about them, is another level. Yes I enjoyed it"
Do you have photo's of this first 'meeting'?No. We really did not think about taking pictures. We both just wanted to try this experience.Did you have much foot worship experiences after this?Yes. I had some more experiences. But I do not want to share more details. And it is nothing that happens all the time ;)
At one point on your blog you talked about your 'foot outing', any news on that?Marie, my best girlfriend, knows it all about it. My other girlfriends know that I like feet very much. Some friends of my blog asked me how it would be like if my whole family would found out about my foot pictures on the internet.
I just would say: Making so many people happy with these small things (like showing my feet) is nothing wrong.
"I worshipped Marie's feet one time.
And please *laughing* do not ask more about that"
Did you also do any worshipping yourself? If yes, was this on the same occasion? How did it feel? Again, how did it compare to your expectations?No, I do not worship my feet, if you mean that I lick my feet or something like that. But I often touch my feet with my hands. But of course it is something else if some other touches my feet.
I mean, did you ever lick other girls feet? Are you sometimes tempted by your best friend Marie's feet for example?
Sorry if I did not explained it correctly before. To have a female feet experience I worshipped Marie's feet one time.
And please *laughing* do not ask more about that.
You must get tons of request of people wanting to meet up with you for feet related fun? Are you ever tempted to meet up?
Yes a lot and of course sometimes I feel tempted. I really love all that people that care so much about me, asking if everything is ok with me. And I love it to hear their opinions and to discuss things with them. And with some I share really deep thoughts. But it is more like having a great family you can talk about everything. In this case it is about feet.
"There are many women I like and would also like to have some feet experiences with them"
But meeting someone who only knows my through my blog or some messages?
On one hand, safety first, I really should not do this. On the other hand, maybe this person does not like the Karina I am
Real life is something special. That is why nobody should fall in love with me over the internet. Be yourself, be open-minded and you will find someone that matches to your heart.
You sometimes flirt with the idea of enjoying feet of fellow female bloggers according some of your post am I correct?
Yes I do. There are many women I like and would also like to have some feet experiences with them. But this may not happen. I am just realistic.
What do you think about guy's feet? Do they have the same effect on you, or is it only female feet you like?
I do not have problems with male feet. And to all men: Hey, you should care about your feet. Your feet can look nice! (and you can remove all those hairs? Please?)
But I am more attracted to female feet. They just look better. And women care more about their feet.
"First name that comes into my mind is Naomi Watts. She has very pretty feet"
If you could choose anybody (celebrity or non) to do anything with their feet, who would it be, and what would you do?Oh no. I hate to answer this question. Please do not ask. But I have asked this questions often before, because I wanted to know what other feet my blog readers and friends like. So I have to anwer this questions too. But hey, all of you who read this interview, you have to answer this question in the comments too. Just to make me not to feel so stupid. ;)
Could you expand on why you hate the question about which (non) celebrity feet you would like have a foot related experience with?
No, you got this wrong. I do not hate this question. To me it is just impossible to name my favourites.
I really like looking at feet. I like how feet look like. Small feet look great and large feet too. It always depends how they look like.
That is why I can not tell which feet are the best.
I think that would be a difficult question for your too. But I think your readers would also like to know, which celebrity feet you like most.
Now is the time. Face it ;)
First name that comes into my mind is Naomi Watts. She has very pretty feet. But there are so many others with beautiful feet too. I can not name them all. She just came into my mind first. And yes, I like to look at celebrities feet from time to time.
I can not favourize some over another. Especially not those I am in contact with. I love all my feet showing girlfriends on the internet. So I have to pick someone else.
Then it would be Nicole from Footlovegirls. I like her for being so natural and funny showing her feet in a photo shootings. And she has so soft soles and cute toes. I really miss her and I would love to see more of her.
What I would like to do to those feet? Think about this yourself! ;)
But for now, I hope that I could you all give a better feeling about feet. You are not alone. I like feet too!
Thanks again for this interview!
Thank you too. And special thanks to all your readers! It was great to be here again!
Please post any questions you have for Karina about this interview below, she will answer them in part 2 !