Does God use the stars to speak to us? (2025)

I completely agree that looking to the stars (created) for answers or guidance rather than seeking God (creator) would be wrong. I believe it falls under the category of "worshiping the created over the creator". Romans 1:25 I am not condoning this sin nor am I justifying it.

I completely agree that looking to the stars (created) for answers or guidance rather than seeking God (creator) would be wrong. I believe it falls under the category of "worshiping the created over the creator". Romans 1:25 I am not condoning this sin nor am I justifying it. I do not want to study astrology in that way or find truth in the stars. I'm not saying any of that. Does the configuration of the stars have some effect on my daily life? I do not believe that at all. That is astrology. But does the position of the Sun and the moon effect life on earth. They absolutely do. That's science. See AlsoSeeing 11:11 and it's Meaning in the BibleA Comparison Between Mainline and Evangelical TranslationsCallous Heart & Seared Conscience11:11 IS AN ANNOUNCEMENT BY GOD THE FATHER- part 3 of 3

But the Bible states that the heavens reveal His glory and that doesn't just mean it's beautiful. I'm saying that God's creation shows his glory and is used to show us things about God. God speaks to us through creation. He reveals Himself through his handiwork. If we ignore that then how much are we missing of what God is saying to us? Through God's creations we see types and shadows of who He is. That is the order of the universe, to bring Him glory, to describe Him, the represent Him in a natural form.

But your response is exactly what I'm talking about. Astrology and divination have stolen God's glory in the stars. Even though God clearly stated that stars would be used as signs, we close our eyes to it because Satan has twisted it into something evil. Astrology is evil. But the stars are not evil. There is order there. God's glory can be seen there. "All creation speaks of His glory."

Let's take the sun and the moon for example. Is the sun a god? No. But the Egyptians believed it was. They named this God Ra. The moon is not evil but what can we learn from these two that brings glory to our maker? What does the Bible refer to when it says "the sun will be darkened and the moon turned to blood..." I believe the sun in this passage represents the glory of God and the moon is the church because the moon reflects the light (or glory) of God. So I would deduce that there is coming a time in the last days when the gospel and maybe even religion will be suppressed and the church will come under great persecution (blood).

Joseph was given a dream where 11 stars bowed down to his star. God used stars to represent men in this reference. Jacob did not banish Joseph for being a diviner. Jacob immediately knew the interpretation of the dream because (apparently) they were accustomed to God speaking to them using types and shadows of his creation; such as the wheat bowing down.

There is order and design in everything he created including the stars. Jesus is referred to repeatedly as the Morning Star. What is it about the morning star that is a type of Christ? Well, the morning Star (Venus) signifies the coming dawn; light is coming. It 'brings in' or 'ushers in' the dawn. Revelation 22:16 Jesus refers to Himself as the Morning Star. It's not that He is teaching us divination but uses creation as types and symbols for His glory, specifically the glory of Christ. In the Bible stars refer to Christ, Satan, men and angels. "The stars fell from the sky" may either mean fallen angels or spiritual leaders falling or prominent leaders falling from authority.

What would an eclipse mean? Jesus said in his time on earth that the Jewish religious leaders were imposing rules on the people that they themselves couldn't keep. They raised themselves up, their piety, above the truth and replaced God with ritual. The church standing in front of the God.

So do you guys the difference in astrology and what I'm talking about?

I don't know who the wise men were or how they understood this sign or followed the star but here is one viewpoint. In 1600, Johannes Kepler hypothesized that this star was actually a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. Confirmed by modern astrology, this symbolism ties in with the prophecies of that era concerning a Messiah amongst the Jews. The conjunctions occurred at the end of Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of kings. Saturn is the planet that rules the Jews, thereby giving the king of the Jews. This was a very infrequent triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn and it occurred in the year 7 B.C.

According to Flavius Josephus, the Jewish historian, the Jewish temple at Jerusalem had the twelve signs of the zodiac inlaid in its floor. Josephus also stated that the twelve loaves of show bread in the temple was a reference to the zodiac. In modern times, Israel issued stamps with the zodiac signs identified with the twelve tribes of Israel and the astrological symbolism of the temple. The Jews placed the tribes in the 12 categories. The Greeks labeled them differently. What if we placed the Disciples in the 12 categories? That would be pretty messed up but the concept is the same. They transposed their own meaning to the 12 measurements of 'star time'. We measure our days and seasons by a star; the sun. It's just how we measure time. Light dictates time. The zodiac also measures time by ages. Ages are referred to in the Bible a few times, even by Jesus. Ages are large increments of time, about 2000 years. The first age included everything up to Noah. The second age included everything up to Jesus (Aries, the Ram or the Lamb) The third age includes everything up to right about now (Pisces, The Fish). At the end of one age, or beginning of another a mighty historical event takes place. We are on the verge of another tremendous event. Math 24:3 Jesus did not rebuke the disciple for his question accusing him of being an astrologer. He simply answered his question. It was understood that signs accompany the turning of an age.

Sunday means Sun Day. Monday means Moon Day. Thursday means Thor's Day. Saturday is Saturn Day. It doesn't make them wrong, it's pagan labeling. Jesus knew the increment of time called an age. The pagan's have twisted it and abused it and replaced God with it. But if understood properly it can shed light on some of the Bible, such as Jesus' reference to the age. Maybe you didn't know he meant about 2000 years. Luke 18:29-30 1 Cor. 10:11 Eph. 1:21Heb. 9:26Rev. 15:3

Look at what God said to Job: "Can you bring forth the Mazzaroth (the zodiac) in their seasons or lead out the Bear with its cubs? (an astrological constellation)" (Job 38:32)

I know it sounds like I'm supporting the zodiac but I'm not. What I'm saying is, it's all over the Bible. There is something good and holy about it. And there is something twisted about it. I'm saying we don't want to throw out all of it just because the pagans have twisted it into something it should never have been. I'm saying there is a part of what God is saying to us that we are missing if we are afraid to sift through the disinformation and paganism. Here is a great example: The sun. The sun could represent Christ in that we (earth) revolve around it and draw life from it and without it there would be no light and no life. Now the pagans would take that concept and twist into: The sun IS god and we should name it Ra and we should pray to it and worship it. See the difference? There is something beautiful about God's glory in the stars and we are missing it because Satan has perverted it. Say what you will be you cannot argue with the fact that the greatest moment in history (the birth of Christ) God himself used a message in the stars to bring glory to Jesus with the 'wise men'. Is God evil for doing this? Or for discussing it with Job? To completely reject signs in the heavens is to completely reject a part of God. Satan has owned this territory for far too long and I would like to see God take his glory back. The Bible said clearly that the celestial bodies are to be used for SIGNS, appointed times (holidays or festivals), days and years. Not signs like the pagans use it but signs none the less. In my opinion, to limit the stars to only navigational purposes is a little short sighted.

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