Dawah Man and the Dangers of Aggressive Street Dawah | The Muslim Vibe (2025)

The Muslim Vibe04 November 2016 Dawah is an Arabic word which means to‘invite’ or ‘summon’ someone. This term is often used to describe when Muslimsshare their faith with others, in order to teach them more about Islam.With the boom of the internet, I have hadto deal with watching Dawah men aggressively approaching people on the streetand sometimes, downright harassing people. It is a trend that is in NorthAmerica and in the UK, and is seems to have no clear goal other than converteveryone, even Muslims, to their very narrow and unsophisticated view of Islam.Islam historically has done very well with pluralism; I am reminded of howgrowing up in Washington D.C, we had Masjids and churches on the same streetwith people from the same families going to different houses of worship.

The Muslim Vibe

04 November 2016


Dawah is an Arabic word which means to‘invite’ or ‘summon’ someone. This term is often used to describe when Muslimsshare their faith with others, in order to teach them more about Islam.

With the boom of the internet, I have hadto deal with watching Dawah men aggressively approaching people on the streetand sometimes, downright harassing people. It is a trend that is in NorthAmerica and in the UK, and is seems to have no clear goal other than converteveryone, even Muslims, to their very narrow and unsophisticated view of Islam.Islam historically has done very well with pluralism; I am reminded of howgrowing up in Washington D.C, we had Masjids and churches on the same streetwith people from the same families going to different houses of worship. Sowhen these Muslims street preachers talk of Islam as if it is this insecureideology that must vanquish all others to survive, I am left truly confused.See AlsoDawah Man and the dangers of aggressive street dawahBritish Preacher "Dawah Man" Imran Ibn Mansur Advises His Listeners to Return to Muslim Lands: Here, Hijabi Girls Get Abortions, Children Come Home Believing in EvolutionBritish Preacher Imran Ibn Mansur "Dawah Man": Infidels in the U.K. Are So Filthy They Don’t Care How Many People You Sleep with; You Can Marry Multiple Wives

Dawah man Imran ibn Mansur, better known asDawah Man is leading the trend in aggressive Dawah on social media. With hisvideos receiving thousands of views, it seems like he has tapped into a certainaudience that are lapping up everything he says. With videos asking atheists ifit was moral and ethical for them to drink their father’s semen (he really madea video like this) it seems he will jump through many hurdles to prove hispoint. There is something more sinister happening here and I wish to stringtogether some of his videos to show my line of thinking.

Dawah Man, made a video about “dressingmodestly”, where he approaches three teenage girls, one admitting to befourteen. He starts off by asking if they enjoy dressing, “sexy” for boys orbecause they do so for themselves. The girls giggle and say, they can’t help ifthey dress a certain way and perverts look at them. Dawah Man, then asks if theyknow anyone who was had been raped. Taking an even more sinister turn towardsbecoming one of the most uncomfortable video on the internet, he asks what kindof women rapists choose to rape. He proceeds to ask the group of teenagers ifthey would consider themselves possible rape victims.

I am still unclear on what a “possible rapevictim” is but I am even more concerned on why he thought approaching a groupof girls on how they dressed was appropriate. There is nothing about this videothat is not uncomfortable and disturbing. The fourteen-year-old girl educatesDawah Man and tells him that any woman who is wearing anything, at anytime…ANYWHERE is a possible rape victim. One girl during the “interview,” afterbeing asked for the second time by Dawah Man if they considered themselvespossible rape victims, simply said “this is disgusting.” She is right, insteadof teaching men to not rape, Dawah Man puts the responsibly of not being rapedon women, and in this case, fourteen-year-old girls.

Allow me to draw your attention to anothervideo of his “The Shocking Reality of the Shia.” Starting his video with soundsof thunder and images of fire, it is easy to see where he is going with this.According to Dawah Man, Muharram is a month full of Shia self harm and selfmutilation. What Dawah Man does is a classic tactic of taking Shia beliefs fromdifferent Shia ideologies, mashing them together and presenting Shia Islam assomething different and dangerous. Dawah Man regurgitates the myth that ShiaIslam was started by a Jewish man named Al-Yahudi – any serious scholar,secular or not, knows this is a myth. Totake is one step further, according to Dawah Man, Shia Muslims are the biggestthreat the Muslims have ever faced… EVER. Really, Dawah Man? Ever?

Dawah Man calls Shia Muslims who do notknow about these devious plans of the Shia as a minority. He goes, on a nineminute Shia hating rant under the guise of religion. It is simple. Dawah Man isa dangerous individual and the proof is in the comment section of is YouTubechannel; they come from Muslims telling him to “keep up the good work,” “Shiasare totally non Muslims,” and “Allahu Akbar.”

I can’t stress this enough: Dawah Man isspreading hate; there is no cutting corners when Shia Muslims are dying becauseof such lies.

Something a little closer to home for me,he did a video titled, “What is the Religion of the African People” and“Questions for Christians,” which he published on Christmas Eve. As a BlackMuslim who studies both the religions of Islam and Christianity, his videos areridiculous. There is no “religion of the African people,” there are simplyreligious people who are African. For anyone who wishes to learn about Africanreligions, I invite you to read ‘African Religions: A Symposium’ by Newell Booth.Africa and the many indigenous people living there have a rich and complexhistory of religion. If one wants to learn about religions of the Congo, orreligions of the Zulu’s, or Afro-Brazlian religions, this is the book for you.

Dawah Man spends almost thirty minutestalking to a black man in an attempt to convince him that Islam is the truereligion of the African people. As a black Muslim who studies religions, whoworks with religion daily, Christian and Islamic theology, Dawah Man as fallenoff the deep end.

Lastly, Dawah Man has another video called“Questions for Christians on Christmas.” In it, he asked how can one worshipsomeone who was crucified, buried, and risen? How can you worship someone whohad his flesh eaten and covered in dirt? He forgets that those are the exactreasons that Christians are Christian. As someone who grew up in the blackchurch, The Resurrection is something that is sang about and praised, and is atthe very heart of that set of beliefs. The crucifixion of Jesus is seen as theultimate sacrifice.

The Shocking Reality of The Shia DawahMan

He does not talk about the Great schismbetween the Eastern and Western Church in 1045. He does not talk aboutEcumenical Councils or the Nicene Creed. Dawah Man has answered is ownquestions without knowing it, because he does not understand Christian theologyor African religious history.

If I was to map out all the ideologicalbeliefs of ISIS, and then map out the beliefs of Dawah Man, I can draw a directconnection between the two. I am not saying Dawah Man is part of ISIS, but thisis how our young Muslim community is radicalized. This is how they are taughtto devalue women, hate anyone that disagrees and internalize racism andignorance. I cannot stress this enough, Dawah Man is spreading hatred asnonchalantly as I spread jelly on my toast in the morning.

How Can We Stop Him And Those Like Him?

We have to be willing to compromise andlisten to those who are not like us. Initiating a conversation on ourdifferences instead of taking those differences, lying about those differences,and hating those differences is counterproductive. Was it not the Prophet who,when a Jewish funeral procession passed he stood out of respect? When asked whyhe stood, did he not reply, “Was he not a soul?” If the Prophet could look pastdifferences in religion, surely we can as well. It is within our capacity toreject hate and bigotry, and to embrace understanding and compromise.



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