Articles Archive Subject Area Indexing Aims & Scope Editorial Board For Authors Publication Fees JOURNAL OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (JPTS) Volume 3, Issue 2, July-December 2024 View PDFHTML A REVIEW PAPER ON THE STUDY OF ROAD USER CHARACTERISTICS USING VISWALK FOR KR MARKETSwathi Sabhahit 1 ; Nikhil T R 2 ; Yateen Lokesh 3 1 M. Tech Student, Department of civil Engineering, M.
Articles Archive Subject Area Indexing Aims & Scope Editorial Board For Authors Publication Fees



Swathi Sabhahit 1 ; Nikhil T R 2 ; Yateen Lokesh 3

1 M. Tech Student, Department of civil Engineering, M. Tech Student, Department of civil Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.2 Assistant Professors, Department of Civil Engineering, M S Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.3 Assistant Professors, Department of Civil Engineering, M S Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, India.

Article Id - JPTS_03_02_002, Pages : 11-22, Date of Publication : 2024-11-12

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.140987584 Downloads 37 Views Google Scholar Link Academia Link Scopedatabase Link : https://sdbindex.com/Document/document_search?title=A REVIEW PAPER ON THE STUDY OF ROAD USER CHARACTERISTICS USING VISWALK FOR KR MARKET&type=1


The rapid urbanization of cities such as Bangalore has led to a significant rise in both pedestrian and vehicular traffic, particularly in densely populated areas like KR Market. Understanding the dynamics of road user behaviour in these high-activity zones is essential for improving infrastructure and ensuring safety. This review paper explores the movement patterns of pedestrians, drawing on various studies to provide a comprehensive analysis. A key focus is on Viswalk, a sophisticated microscopic simulation tool for pedestrian dynamics, which facilitates the examination of critical behaviors such as walking speeds and crowd interactions. The insights gained from this analysis offer valuable information that urban planners and policymakers can leverage to make informed, data-driven decisions aimed at enhancing the safety and experience of road users in urban marketplaces.


Road User Characteristics, Viswalk, KR Market, Bangalore, Traffic Simulation, Urban Pedestrian Behaviour

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Swathi Sabhahit, Nikhil T R, Yateen Lokesh, A Review Paper on the Study of Road User Characteristics Using Viswalk for KR Market, Journal of Public Transportation System (JPTS), 3(2), 2024, 11-22 doi: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14098758


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